Tuesday, March 31, 2009

M&A in China: Considering Coke's Failure and the M&A Market

This week's topic is, "M&A in China: Considering Coke's Failure and the M&A Market". So, what do you all think? What questions do you want to ask about the deal? What do the events surrounding the failed offering suggest of China's domestic regulation? Internationally, how are Chinese back M&A deals received?

When: Tuesday, April 7th at 7:30pm

It is thought that most people will purchase a tea/coffee as City Shop have kindly allowed us to use the cafe at no extra cost. But, saying this we understand that students have budgets!

Suggested Reading

Coke-Huiyuan Deal (Pick one or two to read)
1. Coke's Juicy Deal. Coke's announcement for a $2.4bn bid to take over China Huiyuan Juice is assessed in The China Economic Review. Just before the deal was vetoed, Coke announced to increase investment in China by another $2bn on top of the Huiyuan deal.

2. What did they know that Coke doesn't? Did China's regulators save Coke from an over-juiced deal? WSJ Online. (How China rejected the Coke-Huiyuan Deal. WSJ Online.)

3. Hard to Swallow. China's indicates the real targets for it's anti-monopoly law. The Economist.

China M&A Market
1. In 2003 the Peoples Daily reported that China's M&A Market would "bloom" in five years (click here), in 2008 it was confirmed in a follow up article: China's M&A Market Grows by 225% in Q2 (2008). Peoples Daily Online.

2. China's Overseas M&A Challenge. Asia Times Online.

Optional Reading

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