Wednesday, April 15, 2009

China's Labor Market

This week's topic will cover, "China's Labor Market". We will discuss what the labor market looks like now, what challenges it faces, legal reforms, the role of Unions, the issue of mass labor migration and more.

When: Tuesday, April 21st at 7:30pm

It is thought that most people will purchase a tea/coffee as City Shop have kindly allowed us to use the cafe at no extra cost. But, saying this we understand that students have budgets!

Suggested Reading

1. The Chinese Labor Market Now. Global Financial Crisis Spills Over into Chinese Labor Market. CHINA.ORG.CN.

2. Graduate unemployment in China. The Economist.

What China's changing labor market means for the West. MoneyWeek.

4. China's Labor Unions. New labor regulations designed to protect China's workers are already having an impact, according to an American-based watchdog. Newsweek.

5. China's labor Law Buckle (Video). CNN Video.

Optional Reading / Resources

1. The labor market in post-reform China: history, evidence, and implications; China's labor cost advantages are shifting but will remain formidable.

2. We all are aware of the factory closures and the strain it has added to China's employment targets. It is also testing China's Labor Law. WSJ Online.

3. Economic Transition and the Labor Market.

4. IMF Working Paper on Labor Market Performances and Challenges in China.

5. China's Labor Market and Income Security.

6. Modernizing China's Labor Market Stats.

Labor Market Research (China). Pick one or two to skim-read. Southwestern.

1 comment:

  1. In light of tonight's talk: -
